The Power of Recall..

Its really amazing what wonders a “Recall Session” with the kid can do not only to her, but also to us as parents.

Let me explain what I mean by this “Recall Session”.

It is taking some dedicated time off daily, and prodding her to recall and recollect the whole day’s activities and adventures. If you have the will and desire to video record it, go ahead. They will make for fond, loving and priceless memories when you start re-playing them years from now. If not all,  do record the special and important days and events, like their first day @ school, or the sports day,  or when she seemed really excited @ the end of the day.

Well… how does this really help..

First of all,  it reinforces in the child what she believes is true.  And it is that you really care about her as a parent and love to hear her out.  Try doing this for a few weeks and then not doing suddenly;  you will know what I mean.

Then psychology is here to help. Serial Recall is a type of recall that involves recollecting items or events in the order that they occur. When done regularly, you are in a way exercising your kids brain, and challenging her to think and recollect more. Its not me saying but the studies have proved that when done over a long period, memory can improve.  Would you not want that as a parent for your kid ?

Then the simple nuances that come as added bonuses.

The simple ritual that becomes a routine, becomes a habit. And a habit once formed at such a young age, is always going to be second nature to the kid. Who can disapprove the Power of Habit..

The language and vocabulary that the kid uses to express herself.  Her repertoire is going to increase manifold as she would want to express in a different way.  The same becomes boring for her as well.

And,  then the confidence she would gain. Expressing so freely in front of even her own parents makes a child believe she can do that in front of anyone else as well.

So,  why delay.  Start Now,  not Never.

Try it out,  and do leave a comment below if you found this helpful.
